Sugar crash for Philly Soda: Tax kills consumption

By Ed Zwirn

(originally published on March 5, 2017 in the New York Post. Read original)

If you live in Philadelphia, that bloated feeling you get from consuming carbonated beverages may be coming from the soda price itself. soda Continue reading

The piper must be paid

The piper must be paid

Student debt not so easily forgiven

By Ed Zwirn (New York Post Feb. 26, 2017)

debtOwing to a serious misconception, almost half of college students recently polled believe they won’t be saddled with student loans soon after graduation. Continue reading

Marijuana votes an election diversion

By Ed Zwirn (New York Post, Nov. 6 2016)

Never mind Clinton vs. Trump: Millions of Americans can expect to wake up Wednesday and indulge in a soothing palliative to take the edge off the results of a contentious presidential election.

A needed distraction

A needed distraction

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